Digital signature with the same legal value as the handwritten signature, valid throughout Europe and in many other countries around the world.
The digital signature can be activated after the identification and you can start signing immediately.
It does not require any physical device such as a smart card or USB pendrive.
To sign from a PC you can install the free software IG DESK or to sign from a smartphone the free IG SMART software. In both cases you have to download the IG YOU App on your tablet or mobile phone to authorize the signature.
N.B. If you have a Huawei Android smartphone, you can download IG YOU from the AppGallery. IG YOU is NOT available for Huawei smartphones with HarmonyOS.
Digital signature with the same legal value as the handwritten signature, valid throughout Europe and in many other countries around the world.
The digital signature can be activated after the identification and you can start signing immediately.
It does not require any physical device such as a smart card or USB pendrive.
To sign from a PC you can install the free software IG DESK or to sign from a smartphone the free IG SMART software. In both cases you have to download the IG YOU App on your tablet or mobile phone to authorize the signature.
N.B. If you have a Huawei Android smartphone, you can download IG YOU from the AppGallery. IG YOU is NOT available for Huawei smartphones with HarmonyOS.
Cloud-based Advanced Digital Certificates (also known as Advanced
Electronic Signature) allow creation of digital signatures,
the validity of which depends on the context of use. Advanced
certificates are NOT suitable for digitally signing
documents for the Italian Public Administrations. They comply with
the European Regulation eIDAS for Advanced Electronic Signature,
they are accepted all over the world and are protected by
Two-Factor authentication (password and OTP generated by our IG YOU App).
You can have your cloud-based advanced digital certificate
the same day of your identification and start signing documents.
Use it here and get right away your cloud-based qualified digital certificate.
Allows creation of electronic signatures with the same legal effect as handwritten signatures. It complies with the most stringent e-signature Laws, eIDAS Regulation and GDPR, being accepted worldwide. The certificate is protected by two-factor authentication – password and OTP generated by our IG YOU App.
You can have your cloud-based qualified digital certificate the same day and start signing documents.
To sign from a PC you can install the free software IG DESK or to sign from a smartphone the free IG SMART software. In both cases you have to download the IG YOU App on your tablet or mobile phone to authorize the signature.
N.B. If you have a Huawei Android smartphone, you can download IG YOU from the AppGallery. IG YOU is NOT available for Huawei smartphones with HarmonyOS.
Do you ALREADY have an Electronic Identity Card - CIE?
Use it here and get right away your cloud-based qualified digital certificate.
Allows creation of electronic signatures with the same legal effect as handwritten signatures.
It complies with the most stringent e-signature Laws, eIDAS Regulation and GDPR, being accepted worldwide.
The digital signature can be activated after the identification with the CIE and you can start signing immediately.
It does not require any physical device such as a smart card or USB pendrive.
To sign from a PC you can install the free software IG DESK or to sign from a smartphone the free
IG SMART software. In both cases you have to download the IG YOU App on your tablet or mobile phone
to authorize the signature.
N.B. If you have a Huawei Android smartphone, you can download IG YOU from the AppGallery.
IG YOU is NOT available for Huawei smartphones with HarmonyOS.
Do you ALREADY have a SPID digital identity? Use it here and get right away your cloud-based qualified digital certificate.
Allows creation of electronic signatures with the same legal effect as handwritten signatures. It complies with the most stringent e-signature Laws, eIDAS Regulation and GDPR, being accepted worldwide. The certificate is protected by two-factor authentication – password and OTP generated by our IG YOU App.
You can have your cloud-based qualified digital certificate the same day and start signing documents.
To sign from a PC you can install the free software IG DESK or to sign from a smartphone the free IG SMART software. In both cases you have to download the IG YOU App on your tablet or mobile phone to authorize the signature.
N.B. If you have a Huawei Android smartphone, you can download IG YOU from the AppGallery. IG YOU is NOT available for Huawei smartphones with HarmonyOS.
Do you ALREADY have an Electronic Identity Card - CIE?
Use it here and get right away your cloud-based qualified digital certificate.
Allows creation of electronic signatures with the same legal effect as handwritten signatures.
It complies with the most stringent e-signature Laws, eIDAS Regulation and GDPR, being accepted worldwide.
The digital signature can be activated after the identification with the CIE and you can start signing immediately.
It does not require any physical device such as a smart card or USB pendrive.
To sign from a PC you can install the free software IG DESK or to sign from a smartphone the free
IG SMART software. In both cases you have to download the IG YOU App on your tablet or mobile phone
to authorize the signature.
N.B. If you have a Huawei Android smartphone, you can download IG YOU from the AppGallery.
IG YOU is NOT available for Huawei smartphones with HarmonyOS.
Allows encrypting and signing documents that need to be exchanged with the FDA. The FDA uses the digital certificate to verify the integrity of the documents transmitted.
Intesi Group’s digital certificates were declared compliant by the FDA
More info