Choose a product among Signature Certificates
Easy Cloud Signature
Digital signature with the same legal value as the handwritten signature, valid throughout Europe an..
Price [VAT not incl.]: 19.00€
Certificate Validity: 1 year
Qualified Cloud Signature
Digital signature with the same legal value as the handwritten signature, valid throughout Europe an..
Price [VAT not incl.]: 50.00€ 70.00€
Certificate Validity: 3 years
Qualified Cloud Signature Renewal
You are purchasing the RENEWAL of your cloud based Digital Signature Certificate which is about to e..
Price [VAT not incl.]: 50.00€ 70.00€
Certificate Validity: 3 year
Easy Cloud Signature Renewal
You are purchasing the RENEWAL of your cloud based Digital Signature Certificate which is about to e..
Price [VAT not incl.]: 19.00€
Certificate Validity: 1 year
Advanced Cloud Signature
Cloud-based Advanced Digital Certificates (also known as Advanced Electronic Signature) all..
Price [VAT not incl.]: 25.00€
Certificate Validity: 3 years
Cloud-based Digital Certificate
Allows creation of simple electronic signatures for testing purposes. No legal validity. Try it for..
Price [VAT not incl.]: FREE
Certificate Validity: 90 Days
Easy Cloud Signature (SPID)
Do you ALREADY have a SPID digital identity? Use it here and get right away your cloud-based qualifi..
Price [VAT not incl.]: 19.00€
Certificate Validity: 1 year
Qualified Cloud Signature (CIE)
Do you ALREADY have an Electronic Identity Card - CIE? Use it here and get right away your cloud-b..
Price [VAT not incl.]: 50.00€ 70.00€
Certificate Validity: 3 year
Qualified Cloud Signature (SPID)
Do you ALREADY have a SPID digital identity? Use it here and get right away your cloud-based qualifi..
Price [VAT not incl.]: 50.00€ 70.00€
Certificate Validity: 3 year
Easy Cloud Signature (CIE)
Do you ALREADY have an Electronic Identity Card - CIE? Use it here and get right away your cloud-b..
Price [VAT not incl.]: 19.00€
Certificate Validity: 1 year
Flash Cloud Signature
One digital signature with the same legal value as the handwritten signature, valid throughout Europ..
Price [VAT not incl.]: 3.80€
Certificate Validity: 60 minutes and 1 document
FDA ESG Digital Certificate
Allows encrypting and signing documents that need to be exchanged with the FDA.The FDA uses the digi..
Price [VAT not incl.]: 120.00€
Certificate Validity: 3 years