Advanced Cloud Signature

Intesi Group Store
  • Price [VAT not incl.]:


  • Certificate Validity

    3 years

Cloud-based Advanced Digital Certificates (also known as Advanced Electronic Signature) allow creation of digital signatures, the validity of which depends on the context of use.
Advanced certificates are NOT suitable for digitally signing documents for the Italian Public Administrations. They comply with the European Regulation eIDAS for Advanced Electronic Signature, they are accepted all over the world and are protected by Two-Factor authentication (password and OTP generated by our IG YOU App).

You can have your cloud-based advanced digital certificate the same day of your identification and start signing documents.

  • this email address cannot be changed
  • DO NOT use (Certified Electronic Mail) PEC email
  • DO NOT use email addresses with generic prefixes, not related to a specific person (i.e.,, etc ..)